The #1 solution to accelerate tool and process adoption
Automatically guide employees and increase tool and process adoption up to 4x faster
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Tool and process adoption made easy

Is your workforce struggling to adopt new tools and processes? That’s where we help you!

Not only will your workforce master new tools and processes faster than ever before, but you’ll also have the insights needed for continuous improvement.


Automated and personalised guidance

Our performance-based guidance is tailored to every individual’s needs and only guide when and where needed


Clear and actionable insights

Easily analyse (individual) employee progress and take action where needed


Overview of all organisational layers

Align employees with organisational goals and strategy

The value of our technology

4 times faster CRM rollout

A major bank introduced a new CRM to help employees reach better sales results and reduce customer churn.

Onsophic successfully guided over 10 thousand employees and provided them with the skills needed to adopt the new CRM in no time.

By automatically and continuously helping employees become more efficient, the bank was able to roll out their new CRM in only 6 months, 4 times faster than before.

“Change involving all office clerks used to take us up to 2 years, with Onsophic we only know of six-month change trajectories anymore.”

Erik Luts, Chief Innovation Officer,
KBC Group

How can we help accelerate tool and process adoption at your enterprise?
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Trusted by enterprises all over the world

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Logo KBC
Logo Tempo-team
Logo Imec
Logo PXL
Logo Realdolmen
Logo KULeuven
Logo NHV